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Oil Independence: Our Modern Day Slingshot

Last week, I attended a special event on Capitol Hill: The Jewish Heritage Commission's and AISH International’s “Celebration and Presentation of the King David Award”. Since 1994, the King David Award has recognized men and women who have made dramatic contributions to American society and Jewish heritage. Marc Goldman, a good friend of ACT for America, was one of this year's award recipients. Marc is an accomplished businessman, involved in multiple charitable activities, and is a steadfast patriot who has devoted much of his life to protecting both Israel and the U.S. I attend many events on the Hill, and I certainly hear a lot of speeches. Marc’s words, however, were particularly inspiring. He reminded us that just as God provided a slingshot to defeat Goliath, He has provided the free Western world a slingshot to defeat its current-day enemies. What did he mean? Here is a small excerpt from Marc’s speech to help explain:

Today’s Western Civilization faces a much bigger threat than David did. Nuclear weapons – our enemies have them and have promised to use them against us. There will be no recovery if they do, so there is no time to waste. We must overcome our complacency. So what do we do? God gave David the slingshot. What slingshot has he given us and how do we use it? It turns out we do have a slingshot, a very effective one. If we just have the will, courage and faith as David did, we too can use it. The slingshot we have is to end oil dependence….This slingshot will be the shot heard around the world. And we can emulate the example that King David set for us, our enemies will scatter and we will make the world a better, safer, and even cleaner place and then we can begin to bring peace, love, and harmony to all of God’s children."

See Marc’s speech in its entirety in the following video, including important details about how oil independence is our modern-day slingshot.

Achieving oil independence (specifically allowing consumers transportation fuel choice) in order to stop terror funding, has been an issue on which ACT for America has been working for years. Only when oil is no longer a worldwide strategic commodity will our modern-day enemies lose their petrodollar-purchased terror weapons.


Please register your support for H.R. 2418, the Fuel Choice for American Prosperity and Security Act, with your U.S. legislator. We’ve done all the work for you. Simply click HERE to learn more information about the bill, and to send your e-mail. Take action on this bill now. You can help. You can make a difference. Stripping our enemies of the ability to fund terror through oil money is the only real “silver bullet” to defeating worldwide jihadi terrorism. Utilizing solely our domestic oil certainly is a step in the right direction, but it won’t solve the much larger problem: Enemy nations setting the world-wide price of oil and then using the proceeds to fund terror. Working together, we can stop this. Thank you for all that you do. Lisa Piraneo Director of Government Relations ACT for America

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in southern Idaho's Magic Valley


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