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This Fourth of July, Claim Your Independence from The Globalist Takeover of Twin Falls

In 1776, the founding fathers of the then thirteen colonies declared their independence from the tyranny of King George III of England. The Bill of Rights were designed to protect colonists against the king’s violations of civil rights.

These ‘rights’ of freedom of speech, assembly, religion, and the press, and the right to privacy that you and I enjoy today, did not come from the framers of the Constitution, but from God, they said. They, along with the US Constitution, have been the supreme law of the land ever since. But not for long, if the globalists have their way.

Liberty-loving American citizens now find themselves having, once more, to guard and reclaim these God-given liberties. This time, from the neo-kings of globalism. What is globalism? In a nutshell, it is a return to the feudalism our founding fathers stood up against, only on a global scale -- with you and me as serfs who must obey an un-elected, unaccountable and autonomous aristocracy of international bankers, The Trilateral Commission, The Carnegie, Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, transnational corporations like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft, The Bilderberg Group, and political progressives. Go to for more information.

Globalism, fueled by the centralization of intense power and wealth into fewer hands, the explosive rate of technology, science and information, feeds their notion that they know best how to ‘manage’ the ignorant masses, that they are best fit to oversee and re-engineer all human behavior and natural resources. The ideology of a global governance in the hands of a ruling elite is nothing new. Communist Russia and China, and Nazi Germany, serve as chilling examples of governing through human engineering, geo-engineering and engineering of religion.

Globalism means the intentional eradication of democracy, self-governing nation-states, national sovereignty, and legislation by public servants accountable to a free people. Free nations are to be replaced by corporate-controlled trade zones; states will be turned into FEMA districts. For Idahoans, globalism means no more Idaho. Civil and religious liberties get in the way of their aim to make you and me, and your children, good little global citizens, subservient to all-wise, all-knowing tribunals of technocratic ‘experts’.

Serfs will be expected to bow to endless reams of regulations where legislation and public debate once stood, and embrace globalist ideals of inclusiveness, equality, multiculturalism, a green economy, diversity, sustainable development, safe sustainable cities (to be called settlements), climate change, or be reeducated until they do -- for their own good. You see, we serfs are simply incapable of governing ourselves in their brave new world order.

If you think globalism would never infiltrate Idaho, because Idahoans would never stand for it, think again:

· The militarization of local law enforcement with federally funded drones and MRAPs.

· Installation of smart meters without your permission, that spy on you.

· Adoption of ‘sustainable development’ and other ‘green economy’ UN global initiatives by your local city council, as designed by the UN’s Agenda 2030.

· Adoption of transgender bathrooms in Twin Falls public schools last year without parental knowledge or consent.

· Importation of refugees without local input or consent, but at taxpayer expense after the funding terminates in 9 months.

· Chobani hiring more refugees, per President Obama’s directives, ahead of local citizens, though it was local taxpayers who paid a high price to bring Chobani here.

· Seven refugees with TB have been placed in Idaho. Were you notified?

· Cover-up tactics, under-reporting by local news media of the recent June sexual assault allegations by refugees. Critics were denigrated or ignored.

· President Obama instructs his appointed Idaho Attorney, Wendy Olsen, to seek charges against Twin Falls residents critical of Muslims for (‘bias crimes’) following the June sexual assault.

· Geoengineering of our climate. We are being sprayed like bugs with unknown but carcinogenic chemicals, without our knowledge or consent. Go to to learn more)

Globalists would like you to believe that We The People Magic Valley are a tiny fringe group of “right-wing extremists, survivalist wackos, Islamophobes, misogynists, climate deniers, gay-hating bigots.” It’s all part of their strategy to denigrate liberty-minded, taxpaying, patriotic, law-abiding citizens of the USA.

Show your independence from the serfdom they call utopia by getting your free tickets to the Brigitte Gabriel event we are presenting on August 4, 7pm, at the Roper Auditorium in Twin Falls. Then join with other like-minded citizens of the Magic Valley the following day at City Park for a picnic, presentations, information on how to get involved, and more.

Details for these events are on our website.

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A coalition of liberty groups

in southern Idaho's Magic Valley


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